
Wade Chanos #10 Salzwasser-Fliegenrolle

Nicht lieferbar
675,00 €

Kapazität für WF-10-F + 250m. (#60lbs) Gelspun Backing
285 Gramm Gewicht, 10.7 cm Durchmesser, 2.8 cm Breite

Fliegenrolle für die Klassen 10-11
Mid Arbor Spulen Design
salzwasserfeste Type 3 Eloxierung
feinst einstellbares, Korkbremssystem
Gefertigt aus Flugzeug-Aluminium und Edelstahl
Klicker in beide Richtungen
Offener Spulenrahmen
Lieferung in einem Neoprene-Rollenfutteral


The Chanos was designed for a 10 weight fly rod, which is an exceptionally versatile and demanding saltwater line weight that can be used for targeting a variety of species. You might use your 10 weight to target smaller laid up Tarpon or GT's .... but you know that once in a while you are going to hook a bigger fish that really was meant for a 12 weight. So you want to make sure that you have a drag system strong enough to stop hard running trophy sized fish. At other times you might target Long Tail Tuna and you’ll need to know that you have enough line capacity and a drag smooth enough to withstand those long runs. Or when the Permit are big and the flies heavy, you’ll need a drag delicate enough to protect light tippets when tussling with one of the most determined fighters, especially when it comes to handling those immensely powerful short bursts at the end of the fight.

Take all of these features and put them together and you have everything that makes the Milkfish (Chanos Chanos) such a special game fish and why the elements of the Chanos’s design are so unique. Firstly it has a massive 4,21inch diameter and holds a 10# line and 300yds 60lb GSP, yet weighs only 285grams. Not only is it bigger and lighter than any of its competitors, it also has more features.

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