
Loop Cross S1 590-4A [#MF] Cana Mosca

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Prezzo speciale 499,00 € Prezzo normale 799,00 €

Coda: AFTM 5, lunghezza: 9'0" (2.75m), peso: 93g, 4 pezzi, peso/coda: 12g | 185 grains

Action: Medium Fast Action 
Grezzo materiale: Grafite 3M™ Powerlux™ Composites
Colore: Grigio opaco Finish 
Impugnatura: Sughero, qualità AAA
Portamulinello: Alluminio Triangular 3-pin
Anelli: Passanti a serpentina Recoil della REC Black Pearl Titanio
Tube in alluminio
30 anni Garanzia


A fantastic all-round trout and grayling rod that will fit in a briefcase! Handles delicate presentation up close as well as long casts with equal line control. A great rod for large, bulky dries, weighted nymphs and even streamers.

Cross S1 - the game changer!
The new Loop Cross S1 fly rod series is the single most important revolution to occur in fly fishing since we introduced the large arbor reel over 20 years ago. It’s that big. If the large arbor provided revolutionary function that made the fly reel exponentially better, you won’t believe the difference Cross S1 construction makes with fly rods. We could write an entire book on the adventure that has led to the Cross S1 series of fly rods. We could look up and write down all the available superlatives that are yet unused by other manufacturers (not many left nowadays), but the only way to truly describe what we mean is to hand one to you and let you test for yourself. If there has ever been a time in our history of development of high-performance fly fishing gear where Loop merited a “look” and a test from the fly fishing world, it is now.
Over a period of two years we have developed these fly rods where we used the new 3M™ Powerlux™ Composites. The result is amazing, the strength associated with the 3M™ Powerlux™ Composites generates a lightness and controllable elasticity that just must be experienced.

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